May is a Holistic Health Practitioner who incorporates several natural healing modalities with Applied Kinesiology as the primary focus.
A Modern Shaman – Translating Spirit in the Mundane World.
As Souls on this Planet Earth (Gaia), we go through life trials and challenges, some fondly call “Earth School”. This is where we learn, grow, transform – if we choose to follow a path of fulfilment, essentially creating a joyful existence in everyday life.
As a natural healer, passionate creative with a visual and technical mind in a highly sensitive human body, May has, throughout her own life journey, accumulated and developed tools for healing, growth and personal transformation.
Taking great joy in ongoing learning, building systems to translate metaphysical concepts, physical body symptoms & signals, solving problems, she has a nack for making sense of this sometimes very confusing life.
May shares her talents and gifts with the world in a unique and personal way, mentoring and teaching others to streamline their own life journeys, live their Highest Purpose, bringing out into the “real world” their best work, sustainably, in a spirit of co-creating our collective ideals.
To start your conscious journey, upgrade your life experience, get unstuck or find your best way forward, make a booking or request more information:
Please contact May directly via WhatsApp: +27 79 582 8117 (Consultations available ONLINE)